Our task was to update the brand with the goal of bringing everyday customer interactions to life, engaging the target market within the Alaskan population, carving out a unique point-of-view in the 529 marketplace, and developing a story around Alaska 529. They needed a thoughtful migration to an updated brand by leveraging the best of the existing brand while also carving out new territory.


Financial Planning


Brand Developement
Media Planning + Placement


Alaska 529 needed to separate from a crowded college savings category. The key to success was building a new brand by doubling down on who they’ve always been. Standing out can be as risky as blending in. Research told us consumers often seek safety in the numbers more than brand. Shiny and slick raises suspicion, yet safe is too easy to ignore. But for Alaska 529, their competitive advantage was really their home-field advantage—the values and culture of the 49th state would not only strike a chord of trust and pride for those within their borders, its authenticity would resonate throughout the lower 48.

people over numbers

So we did our research. We listened to Alaskans as they identified their values and we found an abundance of common ground. While finance is a numbers game, our approach would be centered around the people—those who were investing their hard earned resources into the hopes, dreams and potential of the ones they care about most.

A trusted partner

Our voice and imagery would be as real as the people we sought to reach. To truly make a brand feel like home we’d rebuild from scratch, by shooting in Alaska and incorporating the insider knowledge and product offerings that resonate with Alaskans. Alaska 529 would be as much a neighbor as a company, and a trusted voice in a category that can be intimidating to many.

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Let’s Start Something.
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